Why was there a duplicate charge on my bank statement?

Your credit card is "authorized" immediately when you place an order. At this point, your bank will place the "authorized" amount on hold on your account and these funds cannot be used for other purchases. The "authorized" amount will be "captured" 3 days later and this is when the funds are transferred from your card to our merchant account.

At a certain point in some banking accounts, it is possible that both "authorized" and "captured" amounts exist at the same time because of a delay in the removal of the "authorized" transaction and it will look like they are two different charges for the same amount, but both transactions refer to the same payment and will eventually "settle" down into a single charge.

Please give this a couple of days for the charges to "settle" down into a single charge.

If you have concerns, please contact us and we will check the payments.

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